Friday, November 30, 2012

Hair Loss: An Overview

Hair, though often overlooked, plays an important part in our life. Upon meeting someone, one of the first things you notice is their locks. Before a social engagement, our tresses are one of the things we spend the most time on getting to look a certain way. Those affected by reduction locks become aware of how important tresses are in our social interaction quickly. That is why reduction locks provokes not only feelings of cosmetic concern, but also may provoke a lack of self-esteem and even identity problems. Hair Reduction, also referred to as hair reduction, is brought on by a number of factors, the most important being heredity. Hair reduction runs in the family and is not treatable though someday, gene manipulation may lead scientists to a cure. Men with a genetic predisposition to reduction locks have locations on their head that are especially delicate to men sex testosterone. As men age, these locations and the locks hair pores that reside there suffer from a biological imbalance brought on by a men hormone called DHT. Slowly, over a period of years, locks pores wither and locks becomes thinner and shorter until it can't be seen at all. Though not treatable yet, reduction locks in the form of androgenic-alopecia (male and female hair thinning reduction locks described above) can be treated in various surgery and non-surgical ways. Shampoos like Rogaine work by stimulating the locks regrowth, thus counteracting the effects of excessive reduction locks. Pills like Propecia are DHT inhibitors, which help keep DHT levels normal so locks pores are not flooded with it. There are a number of other treatment options like transplant surgery, which involves taking locks pores from the sides and back of the head that are not delicate to testosterone that cause reduction locks and redistributing them to hair reduction locations.

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